Food Stories


Our latest news, views and events  . This  is  our space that tells you a little bit more about who we  are and why we do what we do.


Allergen labelling and being a small producer!

Allergen labelling and being a small producer!

December 2014 saw the introduction of specific requirements for labelling food and handling of the 14 listed allergens. Without delving into the technical requirements for food businesses relating to these regulations, it places further obligation on producers to...

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Reducing Plastic – Reducing Impact

Reducing Plastic – Reducing Impact

We’ve all seen the news items and documentaries showing the catastrophic impact of plastics on our shores and out at sea. From litter strewn beaches, to open ocean garbage patches, the impact is now significant and the situation has become critical.  About 3 years ago...

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Where we work

We operate a seamless, lunchtime delivery service in the following locations catering to
companies of all shapes and sizes in and around Cheshire, Warrington and Merseyside.

Drop Us A Line

We pride ourselves on providing a seamless service from initial conversations to your plate!
Sourcing first-rate, quality ingredients and using local produce. If you would like to know more use the button below to contact us.

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